Miss vee
7 monthsAdvert Info
- Advert ID:
- 35893
- Advert Type:
- For Adoption, Rehoming or Rescue
- Advertiser Type:
- Rescue Centre / Charity
- Located in:
- West Calder, West Lothian
Dog Info
- Age:
- 5 years (approx)
Miss vee's ideal home
Miss Vee is a beautiful 5 year old Collie who knows exactly what she is looking for in her hunt for a new home. She needs a fully secure garden to play football in.
A private driveway so that she can continue her homework on approaching and getting in your car as she still finds this scary. A quiet location with easy access to quiet walks. No other pets as Miss Vee demands all your love and attention! One or two people in the home, children aged 16 and above. A quiet home life with few regular visitors.
She would like to have access to most of the home as she doesn`t like to feel left out behind a closed door. She would ideally like someone that is home most of the day but she could left for a few hours at a time once she has properly settled in.
In return Miss Vee is house trained and non-destructive but may at times bark when first left or if you lay in too late in the morning.
Could you be Miss vee's perfect match?
Miss Vee has spent a lot of her life being fearful. She isn’t looking for a lot of friends just a few special friends. Trust is what she finds difficult, and she quickly senses if people are unsure about her, so she needs a calm, confident and understanding best friend to support her. Once she has deemed you worthy of her trust your relationship will blossom. You will need to be able to come to the centre several times to build this relationship. However, she will quickly entertain you with all her funny play styles and will happily show off her ball skills. She would make a great goalkeeper! Miss Vee is always ready for her walks when she feels safe to do so but will need to stay on lead as she can be easily overwhelmed. Miss Vee is really anxious at the centre about approaching and getting in to a vehicle and this has delayed us finding her perfect match. This is a key part of her homework, and you will need to continue to support her with this, but we are confident that in a home environment she will make much quicker progress. Her friends at the centre will bring her for home visits though and drive her home when she is finally ready for her big day. If you have owned a collie before that would be great but more importantly Miss Vee desperately needs someone that has lived alongside a nervous fearful dog before. Miss Vee knows she is asking a lot from her new family, but she is worth it as deep inside this nervous worried girl is a super playful entertaining collie.
AWE licence number 176240 by West Lothian Council